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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

El Guapo
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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  El Guapo Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:44 am

Ouija Board - The History of the Ouija Board

What is a Ouija board? Ouija boards came into existence as a parlor game in the mid-1800's, when spiritism and channeling were at the height of fashion. The word "Ouija" is a blend of the French and German words for "yes." Adolphus Theodore Wagner first patented Ouija boards, sometimes referred to as "talking boards," in London, England on January 23, 1854. In the patent, Wagner called his invention a "psychograph" and its purpose was to read the minds of people with "nervous energy." By 1861, Frenchman, Allan Kardac, was describing the Ouija board as instruments with which to open communications with the spirit world. In seven short years, the Ouija board had evolved from a mind-reader to portal of communication with the dead.

Modern Ouija boards were developed by inventor William Fuld. Fuld sold his patent to Parker Brothers in 1966. Ouija boards, as we recognize them today, look nothing like the original prototypes. The 20-25 million Ouija boards sold by Parker Brothers consist of a rectangular game board that is covered with a woodcut-style alphabet, the words yes, no, and good-bye, and the numbers 0-9. Also included with the "game" is a heart-shaped plastic planchette. The planchette is the 'pointer' that is supposed to glide over the board under the direction of supernatural forces and form comments and questions by pointing out questions and comments. Parker Brothers has marketed Ouija Boards under the tagline, "It's only a game - isn't it?"

Ouija Board - The Deception

Satan and his demons can use the Ouija board to give advice, or even to guide a person in a certain direction. This guidance will even seem to be true, good, and helpful. Satan and his demons pretend to be caring. They try to appear as something that appears harmless. The Bible says, "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve" (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

Satan and his demons will do this in order to get a person even more deeply involved in spiritist practices. Things like the Ouija board appear to be innocent at first, but soon a person finds themselves addicted to guidance from the spirit world - thereby allowing Satan to control and destroy their life. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." The Ouija Board may be advertised as just as game, and that is exactly what Satan wants us to believe.

Ouija Board - The Truth: Are they Evil?

Sadly, many people are deceived into believing that Ouija Boards are just a game. The truth of the matter is that God views channeling, or consulting spirits or the dead, to be a serious sin. Deuteronomy 18:11-12 says that anyone engaged in these practices is "detestable to God." According Old Testament Law, the Israelites were supposed to stone (execute) anyone who was a medium or a channeler (Leviticus 20:27).

Why does God take such a hard line on things like Ouija Boards - something that many people view as a game? In Isaiah 8:19-20, God says this: "When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? …If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light…" God points out that we need to come to Him for answers. Because God is omniscient and omnipresent He knows everything and He is in control of everything. Asking charlatans and unknown entities for advice can be worse than fruitless; it can be dangerous. God wants us to trust Him!

Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Ouija01
El Guapo
El Guapo

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  chelseaz Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:26 am

Do not be tempted....it can open doors and you might not like what comes through them affraid

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  EarthsAngel Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:55 am

They are very dangerous, even in the hands of experts, they are treated with great caution. They can open a portal into very dark places. By using one, you are inviting evil into your life, it can stay with you for a lifetime. If you research the Ouija board you will find some horrific stories. They are best left well alone. Even making you own homemade Ouija is just as dangerous.

If you have messed with one and feel you brought something bad into your life, find a good healer to cleanse you, it's the only way you can rid your life of an evil presence. If you need a healer badly, one will turn up in your life to help.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  northern-star Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:53 am

The board should always be closed down with the smoking out of the glass whilst reciting the latin verse.
You do not necessarily have to go see a healer if you feel you have invoked something that you cannot "rid" yourself of.
There are numerous banishing rituals that you can perform yourself

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  EarthsAngel Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:12 am

Hi NS, yes there are lots of banishing rituals around, but if a demon is around you, it's always better to get someone experienced in clearing/cleansing rituals.

I have seem so much damage done from people playing around with Ouija boards, people have gone through some pretty traumatising experiences. I don't really think they are capable of doing the ritual themselves after an event.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  El Guapo Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:48 am

I did a banishing ritual myself once.

The ritual involved arguing with my brother as we left my flat and leaving the door keys inside. Was locked out for hours. Had to call the Fire Brigade in the end Suspect

El Guapo
El Guapo

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:56 am

I've a strong belief in this kinds of dark and superstitious practices, and when I've some time I'll post some thoughts on them.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  EarthsAngel Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:56 am

I look forward to your thought on the dark arts Shine.

Could you take that pic off, I have to edit to read your posts, it covers all your text.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:31 am

EarthsAngel wrote:I look forward to your thought on the dark arts Shine.

Oh, Earth, these aren't thoughts, but real events that happened one February evening back in 1985. I can remember the date because I'd passed my driving test a week earlier.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  EarthsAngel Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:31 pm

It sounds as if this is going to be an interesting story Shine. I love all things mystic, spooky stories etc. I will keep an eye on this thread and hope you post your story soon.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:04 pm

EarthsAngel wrote:It sounds as if this is going to be an interesting story Shine. I love all things mystic, spooky stories etc. I will keep an eye on this thread and hope you post your story soon.

It's a long tale for the short night it was, Earth, but I'll post it over the weekend, when I'm not working.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Magica Sun May 15, 2011 2:40 pm

I always thought they were pushed by soemone, and then when I was about 15, me and some friends had a really scry experience and the glass sped off the table, no one had their hands anywhere near it, and we heard heartbeats in the house, we ran out. affraid Ive had a few bad experiences since over the years, and I wont touch them, havent for many years since. Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? 16411

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Jerico Mon May 16, 2011 6:06 am

never been down that highway.

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  El Guapo Mon May 16, 2011 7:08 am

There's certain things in this life that I just won't mess about with. Ouija boards are one of those things. It's playing with forces we can't possibly control or hope to understand.
El Guapo
El Guapo

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Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? Empty Re: Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister?

Post  Jerico Mon May 16, 2011 7:38 am

Yep. I live on the edge but keep one hand on the handle bar just in case! Ouija Boards - Harmless Fun Or Something More Sinister? 605439

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